From the Blue Application Bar:
Clicking on Apps in the blue application bar will open the Apps dashboard.
Within Calendar you can add:
- Meetings
- Events
- Special dates
You can create all day events or have it repeat by day, weekly, monthly or annually.
When you click on Email Marketing the following page will open.
Here you can:
- Manage Letters and Create New Letters
- Manage Templates and Create New Templates
- Manage Mailings, Create Mailings and review History
Under Letters you will see:
- List Letters
- New Letter
From List Letters you can manage your letters. You can select individual letters from list letters and you will see the following screen:
From here you can edit your letter and save the changes or save a copy of the letter.
You can create a new letter by selecting the icon at the top of the page or by selecting New Letter.
When you select New Letter the following screen will open:
You will fill in the following information:
- Letter Name
- Additional Headers
- From Name
- From Address
- Subject
- HTML Message ( you can add links, pictures, change the font etc. as in any other email message)
If you click on CREATE TEXT MESSAGE FROM HTML MESSAGE you will have the body of you letter go into your Text Message:
Note: You will be required to create a mailing list in CUSTOM QUERIES (found under REPORTS). Once that is done you can select it from the drop down in Search to apply to this letter in either new or existing letters so that they can be sent.
Note: As DNA does not contain a file manager, in order to add images to a mailing they must first be uploaded to WebPortalOne. Once an image has been uploaded to WebPortalOne, you can retrieve its URL by right-clicking it in the file manager and selecting ‘Properties’.
Once an image’s URL is retrieved, it can be pasted into the image pop-up in the DNA Mailing module.
In Templates you will see:
- List Templates
- New Template
From List Templates you can manage your templates. You will see a list of all created templates. You can select a templates from the list and you will see the following screen:
From this screen you can edit, save a copy, save template and delete the template. You can select a template from Load Template list and load that Template.
Note: The content of your letter will show where [[Letter]] is in the template. Where that displays is based on where you add it to the body of the template
To create a new template you will select New Template. The following screen will open.
You will fill in the following information:
- Template Name
- Body of the template
These template can be used for your email blasts. Once you have created your templates you can select them from the drop down in Load Templates.
In Mailing you can:
- Review Job Status
- Create Mailing
- Review Job History
When you click on Mailings you will be on the Job Status screen and you will see the following:
In the Job Status screen you can see:
- Current Queue Engagement – You will see Jobs Queued, Last Batch Sent and the Next Check
- Mailer Status – Will show you the status of the mailers for both Queue Builder and Mail Sender. You can Resume or Suspend mailers in this section.
- Jobs Currently Queued – will show you the jobs that are Queued
- Jobs Scheduled for Future Delivery – will show future jobs
You can create mailings by selecting the icon or Create Mailing button, the following screen will open:
Here you will:
- Select a Letter (based on letters that were created you can select from the drop down box) or use a new letter
- Select a Template (based on templates that were created you can select from the drop down box) or use a new template.
- Check only show letters with text message
- Schedule this mailing (enter a date for this mailing)
- Recurring Mailing ( you can select this mailing to go Daily, Monthly, First day of every month, Last day of the month)
- Starting (you can select from the drop down with the date chosen or with next occurrence)
- Set an engagement Value
Once this information is entered you would select Continue to create the mailing or select Cancel Mailing
When you select Job History the following screen will open:
On this screen you will see a listing of jobs completed. You can view these jobs by All, Last 6 Months, Last 3 Months, and this Month